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Geeks With Hammers: Medicus Volunteers with Habitat for Humanity

Written by Medicus IT | Apr 20, 2016 6:26:47 AM

The Experience In Their Own Words

People who work in technical fields and spend most of their day stationary in front of computer screens are not usually the first image conjured up when you think of people volunteering to build houses. Yet that is exactly what the staff at Medicus did for Habitat for Humanity. Medicus is a medical IT managed support provider and some their staff are not known for their athleticism, yet they were moving building supplies, climbing ladders, hammers in hand, and brows glazed with sweat of the afternoon sun.  They are committed to the Habitat for Humanity cause of helping to make better lives for Georgia families.

Read more about what some Medicus volunteers said about Habitat for Humanity, in their own words.

Zach, Systems Engineer

Interviewer: Tell me about Medicus' involvement with Habitat for Humanity and how it came to be?

Zach: “As a company Medicus was interested in volunteerism at its core along with team building. What we can do to bring the team together to work together towards common goals? Something outside the office computing grind to do that is also a really good cause. It works out well for everyone, doing something to help others. As a Systems Engineer who works on software every day, construction work isn’t ever going to be my strength…but I personally enjoy helping others and so I'm going to continue to do so this year when we work with Habitat for Humanity again.”

Interviewer: When did you start working with them and was there sort of "just do it" moment?

Zach: “Others talked about it but never really did it, but Medicus went ahead and did it. And now the second one is coming up...”

“It was interesting to see how different people performed on the team, away from keyboards and software. It gave us an opportunity to support each other in new ways.”

Interviewer: Oh so you're going to do it again this year? Great. What was the experience like working with Habitat for Humanity?

Zach: “We had a small meeting at the beginning and directions were given out. They have assistants on the scene to help as needed but they try to let you do most of the work, which is a great setup. We [Medicus] were scheduled on a specific day to participate. My team added on the siding and some porch areas. It was just one part of many stages, a full day's work. It was really a lot of fun, and we were fortunate to have good tree coverage on what turned out to be a pretty hot day. Us tech people need their shade. *laughs*”

Interviewer: And did the experience deliver the team building Medicus was looking for?

Zach: “Oh yes, absolutely. It was interesting to see how different people performed on the team, away from keyboards and software. It gave us an opportunity to support each other in new ways. One team member almost passed out but we took good care of him. I think I was relatively new at the time when the event happened and it meant a lot to the team bonding experience. A lot of people's team experience with him changed for the better.”

Interviewer: That's great to hear. Last question: Did you have a favorite moment in working with Habitat? Something that really stands out?

Zach: “Yep. We had a visit from the individual that was receiving the house. But they not only visited and spent time with us, but they actively helped in the building of the house with our team, personally thanking everyone at the end of the day and being appreciative overall. Them not shying away from helping was a great feeling and added to our motivation.”

Christine, Staff Member

Interviewer: How much participation have you had with Medicus' Habitat for Humanity project?

Christine: "I've been once with husband who was working with Medicus already at the time. Actually, the opportunity to not only participate with my husband, but to see how everyone got along influenced my own decision to join the Medicus team.

Interviewer: Oh so it's a family affair at Medicus now!

Christine: “Yes, including the kids who we also got out there volunteering!”

Interviewer: That's amazing. How did participating enrich your own life?

Christine: “Well I really enjoyed how much it brings people together. It's a good feeling. You read about so much negativity these days. Even in what we do at Medicus (healthcare IT security) we see a lot of stress, so it's nice to see so much concentrated positivity. It was also really nice to get the kids out there and maybe they'll start using their social media to get their friends to come out and help next time! For me, I got to know everyone at Medicus was fantastic. It also made me a little braver and bolder than usual. I'm a bit afraid of heights, but I was able to get up on the roof like, 'oh it's not that high i can do this!' I didn't really think it through. I just went and did it despite my fear.

I think we all realized that we can come together to do anything, whether it's in our out of the office. We got to know each other on a personal level. You realize who you can lean on and appreciate along the way. You find out you can trust people even more.”

“We got to meet and work with the family and they were so personable and working harder than us! It was a great and really gave perspective on the impact of what we were doing.”

Interviewer: Oh yes, in my experiences in volunteering, I too have found that when you can focus on what you're doing to help others, your own fears and inhibitions tend to take a back seat. Will you be participating again this year?

Christine: “I'm definitely going again in May.”

Interviewer: Last question - What was the biggest highlight of the experience for you?

Christine: “My husband's commitment to be there and do his best. At the time, my husband had health challenges that made it difficult for him to participate so he decided to get into fitness by hiring an Online Fitness coach that help him improve his health, since he didn't want to give up on that family and their house we were building. He almost passed out and everyone kept checking on him to make sure he was okay, bringing him water and stuff like that. It meant a lot to us. He won't be able to come and participate this year, so I'm going and dragging the kids along in his place. It was neat to see how everyone came together. He was new at Medicus at the time too, so we learned very early on that working at Medicus was like working with a big, new family.

There was also a great moment when the emails were sent with the pictures of the completed house with the family. We got to meet and work with the family and they were so personable and working harder than us! It was a great and really gave perspective on the impact of what we were doing.”

If you are working in or leading a team in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field, come out from behind your computer screen, pick up a hammer or paint brush and make a difference. Don’t limit yourself or your contributions to what you can create with a mouse and keyboard. We can't recommend enough working with your local Habitat for Humanity. Sign up your team today. We promise you’ll find that the reward is much greater than the sacrifice (visit website for more details).

About Medicus Solutions:

Medicus Solutions, LLC ( is an Alpharetta, GA based company that specializes in providing IT management solutions to improve the efficiency, security and stability of your company's operations. Medicus offers a range of IT services that work both independently and in unison to ensure your company operates securely, seamlessly and efficiently. Featuring secure email and backup services, virtual hosting services, HIPAA-approved file encryption systems, and much more. For more information about Medicus Solutions, please call our main offices in Alpharetta at 678-495-5900 or visit us at our website.

Medicus Solutions writes about news, technologies, and educational topics that are defining the future of health care IT solutions and security issues at its blog:

Source: Medicus Solutions, LLC